Below are some easy craft ideas to do at home. Most of these ideas require only a few items, of which the average household potentially already has lying around, or can be purchased relatively cheaply at any dollar store/department store.
Felt Projects
Felt pieces are relatively cheap to come by (they sell them by the sheet at most craft stores and some department stores), and they can be used for various things; crafts, activities, and gifts just to name a few! The nice thing about felt is that felt adheres to itself rather easily, and hot glue is perfect for merging layers together into a colorful masterpiece. Throw in some accessories like googly eyes and pipe cleaners and you're pretty much set!
Felt Board
Sounds like not much, but it can be hours of fun, especially for younger kids. it can also be expansive into numerous themes to keep them entertained throughout the year! For this you'll want a hard back for the kiddos to be able to press their felt pieces onto - the example uses a canvas board from a craft store, but even cardboard should do the trick. To build, simply hot glue large pieces of fabric to the backing. Now you have a board for your adventure! After that cut out pieces of felt into shapes, etc. to have the kid "attach" to the board - the nice thing about felt is you can attach felt to felt, so you can be creative here with making "layers" for various scenes:
- People
- Outline of a person
- Shoes
- Pants
- Shirts
- Dresses
- Volcano
- Mountain
- Lava
- Pumpkin
- Pumpkin
- Various Jack 'O Lantern face pieces
- Rainbow
- Each layer of the rainbow
Use this printable of Tito and a school as outlines for felt pieces for your board - simply cut out each shape and then trace them onto felt to easily cut out the shapes. Make sure to cut out each layer piece (Tito's eyes and nose, school bell/doors, etc.) too so your child can make their own felt creation! Ideally each layer is a different color of felt to really make it stand out (i.e. Tito is grey, eyes and nose are black)
Tito Suncatcher
Build a suncatcher of Tito to put in your window and brighten your day! All materials can be found at either the dollar store or any standard department store
- Tissue Paper (various colors if possible)
- Contact Paper
- Scissors
- Printer Paper
- Tito Outline
Print out the outline of Tito, or simply view the image and recreate the outline yourself with a pencil/pen on any piece of paper. Cut off a small section of each color of tissue paper, as you won't need the whole sheet by any means. |
Cut out the inside of the outline- you can cut as little or as much as you want (i.e. you can draw/color the face and cut out just the stomach, etc.) Whatever you cut out will be filled in with the tissue paper. At this point it's easier to leave the outside of the outline as-is so it can easily attach to the contact paper.
Cut out a piece of contact paper the same size as your paper. |
Tape your creation to any window (and wait for actual sun) and you're all set! Now you can have Tito catching some rays at your home and brightening a room with a blast of colors! You can apply these steps to create any suncatcher - simply search the internet for "outline" or "coloring page" of an item your child wants to turn into a suncatcher to get some great outlines to use. |
Scrape Paint
Scrape paint is a fun way to "paint" a picture and get results you won't get painting the more traditional way.
- Paint (need at least two colors to be able to see the effect of scraping)
- Scraper (online tutorials show using an expired credit card, you can also use cardboard that is taped along the edge, or an actual paint scraper would of course work great too)
- Wolf Head outline
- Cardboard backing (this helps the painting hold up long-term but is not required)
- Glue stick (if you are adhering the paper to a cardboard backing)
Try some variations, and for a unique twist try to use contact paper instead of paper (cut out inside of outline, apply contact paper, flip over, then scrape "the back" so when it dries you can see what it looks like from the other side).