Corporate/Family Sponsors help the Leopold Community in many ways - without their help many events and happenings at the school wouldn't be possible!Interested having your business or family provide assistance to Leopold? All help in any form is appreciated - we'll always take financial donations, but we'd also love any and all help. Have a specialty you'd like the share with the school through either an after-school program or community night? Great! Have some hands at your office that would be willing to volunteer at events? Awesome! However you'd like to help, let us know here - just put in your contact info and maybe a quick blurb of how you can help, and we'll be in touch!
Looking to make a one-time donation? Use our Paypal or get in touch with the PFO Treasurer ([email protected]) for other donation methods. Looking for a quick way to help the school? Simply hang these flyers up around your work/community spaces to help spread the word of how people can easily help Leopold! Sponsor Opportunities |