Thank you to everyone who participated in the Tito's Readathlon Starting Line Event on Dec 2nd! Almost 200 students and their families attended and great fun was had by all. Each student left with a bag of books, and we have more books to give away during our Finish Line Event on Jan 13th!
Even if you weren't able to attend on Dec. 2nd, your child can complete this Training Log:
English Training Log
Español Log entrenamiento
Bring your completed Training Log to the Finish Line Event (on January 13th) or turn into your child's teacher for more great prizes! The classes with the most Training Logs completed will win more books for their classroom library.
Even if you weren't able to attend on Dec. 2nd, your child can complete this Training Log:
English Training Log
Español Log entrenamiento
Bring your completed Training Log to the Finish Line Event (on January 13th) or turn into your child's teacher for more great prizes! The classes with the most Training Logs completed will win more books for their classroom library.

Join us for a celebration of literacy with Leopold families and our community at Tito’s Readathlon Starting Line event on December 2!
Our “Read”athlon will focus on three components of literacy: reading, writing and creating.
December 02, 2014: Starting Line Event
Event Schedule:
5:45 Doors open. Pick up your Training Log!
6:00 1st Session Begins
Pat Zietlow-Miller, reading her book Sophie’s Squash
Fabu, reading from her original poems
Det. Gloria Reyes, reading a children’s story in Spanish
Officer Richardson, reading a children’s book
Jenna Shufelt, Pre-K Literacy and Theater
6:45 2nd Session Begins
Pat Zietlow-Miller, reading her book Sophie’s Squash
Fabu, reading from her original poems
Det. Gloria Reyes, reading a children’s story in Spanish
Officer Richardson, reading a children’s book
Jenna Shufelt, Let’s Write a Play!
7:30 Event Close
*** Throughout the evening, you can play literacy games in the cafeteria, engage in READ UP! Education in the gym, enjoy training snacks, and browse our Book Swap table***
Complete your Training Log before our Finish Line event January 13 to win books for your classroom!
More about our special guests:
Pat Zietlow-Miller, children's book author of award-winning Sophie's Squash
Fabu, Literary Artist, Innovative Educator and Culture Columnist, winner of Best of Madison
2014 Spoken Word Artist/Poet
Officer Mike Richardson, Leopold/Arbor Hills Police Liaison with Madison Police Department
Detective Gloria Reyes, Special Investigator with Madison Police Department
MMSD's Read Up program
Jenna Shufelt, Owner, Express Yourself, winner of Best of Madison 2014 Alternative Fitness Center
Our “Read”athlon will focus on three components of literacy: reading, writing and creating.
December 02, 2014: Starting Line Event
Event Schedule:
5:45 Doors open. Pick up your Training Log!
6:00 1st Session Begins
Pat Zietlow-Miller, reading her book Sophie’s Squash
Fabu, reading from her original poems
Det. Gloria Reyes, reading a children’s story in Spanish
Officer Richardson, reading a children’s book
Jenna Shufelt, Pre-K Literacy and Theater
6:45 2nd Session Begins
Pat Zietlow-Miller, reading her book Sophie’s Squash
Fabu, reading from her original poems
Det. Gloria Reyes, reading a children’s story in Spanish
Officer Richardson, reading a children’s book
Jenna Shufelt, Let’s Write a Play!
7:30 Event Close
*** Throughout the evening, you can play literacy games in the cafeteria, engage in READ UP! Education in the gym, enjoy training snacks, and browse our Book Swap table***
Complete your Training Log before our Finish Line event January 13 to win books for your classroom!
More about our special guests:
Pat Zietlow-Miller, children's book author of award-winning Sophie's Squash
Fabu, Literary Artist, Innovative Educator and Culture Columnist, winner of Best of Madison
2014 Spoken Word Artist/Poet
Officer Mike Richardson, Leopold/Arbor Hills Police Liaison with Madison Police Department
Detective Gloria Reyes, Special Investigator with Madison Police Department
MMSD's Read Up program
Jenna Shufelt, Owner, Express Yourself, winner of Best of Madison 2014 Alternative Fitness Center