Hello Leopold families. It's a short week, but lots of information below. Be sure to read through everything!
I am thankful for our wonderful school, staff, students and parents! Have a great Thanksgiving! Tito's Readathlon Literacy Event On your mark, get set and go to Tito's Readathlon! Join us for a fun, free PFO sponsored literacy night onTuesday, Dec 2 at 5:45 pm. Students will learn how to Read, Write and Create during our many activities and games. There will be readings with a children's book author, a prominent Madison poet, and other community leaders. Parents can learn about reading strategies while students play literacy games and learn to write a play. Our healthy snack stations will keep our literacy athletes fueled throughout the evening. All participants will leave with free books. Please see the PFO website for further details. This is an event you don't want to miss! The Giving Tree is Back As we have done in past years, the PFO has organized a Giving Tree where Leopold staff ask for things they would like to have in their classrooms to enhance the educational experience for our kids. Some of the items are things you might have around your house that could be put to good use at school, and some are things that you might be willing to purchase for a classroom. Often, families like to select an item from the Giving Tree for a holiday gift for a classroom. So how does it work? First you can go HERE to see the full list of requests. If you see one or more that you would like to fulfill, please email Kim Holdener at [email protected] that you will be purchasing or donating the item, and let Kim know when and where you will deliver the item (office, classroom, etc.). If you would like a receipt, please let Kim know and we will email one to you. Our big push for the Giving Tree is to get items in classrooms before winter break, when families are most thinking about giving. However, the list will remain up for the school year so feel free to give at any time. Please note that donations are tax deductible if given through the Giving Tree program to the PFO, which is a 501(3)(c) organization. All gifts become the property of Leopold Elementary and should stay at the school, even if a teacher does not. Make money for Leopold While You Shop for the Holidays! Don't forget these no-effort ways to help raise money for the Leopold PFO while you do your holiday shopping: amazon.com Please visit the PFO fundraising page and click on the amazon ad to enter the amazon.com website. By doing so, Leopold PFO will receive a percentage of your total purchase (up to 7%!). You don't need to do anything else, but items need to be purchased within 24 hours of clicking on the link for Leopold to get credit. www.leopoldpfo.org/activities-and-fundraisers.html Target Red Card Target offers both a CREDIT and a DEBIT REDcard! With a Target REDcard, Target will donate 1% of your REDcard purchases at Target and target.com to the school of your choice. It's that simple. You can add Leopold Elementary to your existing Target REDcard, or get a new card. Target REDcard saves you 5% on all of your Target purchases. You can apply for a credit card, or set up a debit card that will draw directly from your bank account. The benefits to Leopold are the same. Encourage family and friends to designate Leopold as their designated school, no matter where they live! http://www.target.com/redcard/main Keep Clipping and Saving Box Tops The next Box Tops deadline is January 23 so keep clipping and saving over the holidays! Check out the Box Tops for Education (BTFE) website atwww.boxtops4education.com to find coupons and new recipes using Box Tops products. Join BTFE to support Leopold, and participate in contests that could earn hundreds of bonus Box Tops for our school. Keep an eye out for non-food products that have Box Tops such as Hanes clothing and Avery office products. Also look for bonus Box Tops coupons at the grocery store checkout and on or inside product packages. Expired Box Tops cannot be submitted so please check the expiration date before sending to school. We can submit Box Tops at any time of the year so if the expiration date is within 60 days please send them to school immediately so we can submit them before they expire. Sadly we often have to recycle dozens of expired box tops. That felt like throwing dimes down the drain. Let's plug the drain and keep the cash! Cherokee DLI Meeting On Tuesday, December 9, a meeting will be held for DLI families regarding the DLI transition to Cherokee. Cherokee administration, and staff from the Office of Multicultural and Global Education, will share information and answer questions. The meeting is intended for parents, and childcare and translation will be provided. Light food will be provided at 5:30 and the meeting will be held from 6-7. Information about the meeting will also be sent home with students. In the spring, general meetings regarding transitioning to middle school will be held for all 5th graders, and principals for both Wright and Cherokee will present information and answer questions. Short Term Help Needed for Fresh Fruits and Veggie Delivery to Classrooms Lori Zink, our school nurse, is looking for parent volunteers on Tuesdays through Fridays, from December 3 through January 16, to help out while the regular person who prepares and distributes the fruit and veggie snack is out. Time involved would involve about an hour each day. Volunteers would need to come first thing in the morning, portion out the snack, and delivers it by 9:00 am. There is no cutting, slicing, or other prep work involved. Wouldn't your kids love it if you showed up delivering snack one day?! If you are able to help out with one or more of the days during this time, please contact Lori Zinck-Jezwinski, Leopold School Nurse at 608-204-4246 or [email protected]. Cold Weather Policy As the weather gets colder (so soon!), I wanted to share with you the district information on closing school for weather. https://www.madison.k12.wi.us/weather As for cold temperatures and kids going out to recess, that decision is made within each school by school staff and is based on a variety of factors. Please remember to send your kids dressed to play outside every day, including coat, hats, mittens, snow pants and boots. Library Volunteers needed Mr. Mueller, our librarian, is in need of volunteers in the Leopold library to help shelf books, etc. If you are interested, he can share a calendar sign up link with you so you can find a time that's convenient for you. This is an important request from school staff that supports all of our students. We'd love to have some parents help out in this fun and easy way. If you want to take a look at the calendar to see if a time might work in your schedule, please email Ben at [email protected]. Flu Shot Fundraiser Flu shots are the most effective way to prevent influenza and its complications. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone 6 months of age or older be vaccinated annually against influenza. The Leopold PFO is partnering with the HyVee Pharmacy in Fitchburg to offer flu shots to our community, with $4 from each shot coming back to our PFO. In order for Leopld to receive credit, please take a Flu Shot PFO Fundraiser in with you so Leopold gets credit. The coupons can be found on our blog (http://www.leopoldpfo.org/ leopold-pfo-blog) or you can pick one up on the school office. Shots are covered by most insurances; cash price is $29.99. The fundraiser runs through December 31, 2014. Communication This weekly email is prepared in English and will be posted in both English and Spanish on our blog each week (http://www.leopoldpfo.org/ leopold-pfo-blog ). Este correo electrónico semanal se prepara en Inglés y será publicada en Inglés y Español en nuestro blog cada semana (http://www.leopoldpfo. org/leopold-pfo-blog ). Have a great week! Kris Aman, President Leopold Parent Faculty Organization Encouraging Kids. Connecting Families. Serving Leopold.
Hello Leopold families. Here is some information on upcoming events at Leopold.PFO Volunteers Needed
There are a couple of particular and somewhat urgent needs on the volunteer front at Leopold. The volunteers who currently chair these positions are moving on to middle school next year, and we would like to have someone learn from them while they are still here! Our Box Top coordinator runs our school Box Tops contests including providing flyers, class counting and tracking. We have another volunteer who does all of the counting and sorting to submit to Box Tops so this would not be part of the role. Please contact Michelle Barfield or me if you would like more information. We are also in need of a Timber Wolf Trample fundraising coordinator. This is a great position to raise money for our school. An amazing foundation has been put in place and really is more management than fundraising. This is a very important position to our school, as we raise around $10,000 each year through these efforts. Please contact Pam Baumgartner or me if you would like more information. *Asking questions and finding out more information does not obligate you to accept one of these roles!* Thank you for considering offering your time and energy to keep so many important and fun programs at Leopold strong so that we can continue to support our students, staff and families through great programming! PFO Family Meetings to Begin Tuesday, November 11 will be our first PFO family meeting of the school year. The topic will be family and community engagement. We'll also touch base on some general PFO info as well. Please join us in the Leopold library from 7-8 pm. Spanish interpretation provided. Attendance Matters breakfast volunteers The Attendance Matters Breakfast is an event that Leopold school staff has hosted the past two years. All Leopold families are invited to a family breakfast and then parents can join their children for the first 15 minutes of class. Finally, parents return to the cafeteria to learn about attendance expectations. The goal is to communicate attendance practices and allow parents to see that the classes are off and running at the bell. This event is very well attended, and for that reason, we need a lot of volunteers to help run it. We need volunteers onNovember 20thfrom5:30 to 7 pm to assist with setting up the cafeteria. More importantly, we need volunteers on November 21st from 6:30 to 9 am to help run the breakfast. Please considering signing up to help with this event. Set up volunteer sign up (Nov. 20) can be found here and breakfast volunteer sign up (Nov. 21) can be found here. Tito's Readathlon Literacy Event The PFO will lead an all-school literacy event, encouraging kids to read, write, and create! The kickoff, or Starting Line event will be held December 2, in the evening and the Finish Line event will be held on January 13, in the evening. Students will get to hear from guest authors and readers, participate in a book swap, and much more. *We are encouraging families to save any books your children are done with to bring in for the all-school book swap at our Starting Line event. A drop off box is now available in the lobby for book swap collection (please don't take books out as a swap yet, we're saving this for the literacy event). Library Volunteers needed Mr. Mueller, our librarian, is in need of volunteers in the Leopold library to help shelf books, etc. If you are interested, he can share a calendar sign up link with you so you can find a time that's convenient for you. This is an important request from school staff that supports all of our students. We'd love to have some parents help out in this fun and easy way. If you want to take a look at the calendar to see if a time might work in your schedule, please email Ben at [email protected]. Staff Grants from the PFO This week, the PFO will be rolling our our 2014-15 staff grant program. The PFO has budgeted $5,000 to support innovative and creative ideas that our staff may have, but that are not funded through the regular school budget. If your child's classroom teacher or support staff has mentioned an exciting idea to you, please encourage them to apply for these funds. The PFO loves to see the innovate ideas that our staff wants to implement with our students! Flu Shot Fundraiser Flu shots are the most effective way to prevent influenza and its complications. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone 6 months of age or older be vaccinated annually against influenza. The Leopold PFO is partnering with the HyVee Pharmacy in Fitchburg to offer flu shots to our community, with $4 from each shot coming back to our PFO. In order for Leopld to receive credit, please take a Flu Shot PFO Fundraiser in with you so Leopold gets credit. The coupons can be found on our blog (http://www.leopoldpfo.org/ leopold-pfo-blog) or you can pick one up on the school office. Shots are covered by most insurances; cash price is $29.99. The fundraiser runs through December 31, 2014. Open Schoolhouse Continues Come to Leopold from 6pm-7:30 on Tuesday nights. Partnering with various nonprofits in the area, Open School House will now offer at least four separate opportunities for students and families to participate in. These classes will run for three week sessions, focusing on either Physical Activity, Education, Life Skills, and Leopold Family Sessions, an opportunity to interact with principals, teachers, and help guide the direction of our school. At the end of every set of sessions, we will host a large Party Night for all the families, before starting a new set of sessions. This month's programming includes: Basketball Camp: Fitchburg Rec is hosting four weeks of basketball drills and games appropriate for all elementary-age children. Parents are welcome to participate as well. Learning While Playing Together: The Fitchburg Public Library will hold family-based learning activities to help students gain new tools for literacy, math and science. Exploring Your Natural World: Ex;lor, learn how to care for and interact with the outdoor world. Build bird feeders, learn how to identify wild life and more. November 18th Culture Night Questions regarding Open Schoolhouse can be sent to Josh Miller at [email protected] or Pat Smith at [email protected]. Girls on the Run founder, Molly Barker, is coming to Leopold! This year marks Girls on the Run of Dane County's 10th Anniversary and Molly Barker is coming to help us celebrate. She will be arriving in Madison on Thursday, November 6th and will be visiting our practice before heading downtown for a presentation. Molly will be arriving at Leopold in time for our final practice session from 2:45 - 4:15. She will also be in attendance at the GOTR final 5K on Saturday, November 8th in Waunakee. We are so excited about this wonderful opportunity for our girls and coaches! Molly Barker founded Girls on the Run in 1996 in Charlotte, North Carolina. A four-time Hawaii Ironman triathlete, she used her background in social work, counseling and teaching, along with research on adolescent issues, to develop the program. Today, there are Girls on the Run councils in over 210 cities across North America serving over 200,000 girls and women each year. Communication This weekly email is prepared in English and will be posted in both English and Spanish on our blog each week (http://www.leopoldpfo.org/ leopold-pfo-blog ). Este correo electrónico semanal se prepara en Inglés y será publicada en Inglés y Español en nuestro blog cada semana (http://www.leopoldpfo. org/leopold-pfo-blog ). Have a great week! Kris -- Kris Aman, President Leopold Parent Faculty Organization Encouraging Kids. Connecting Families. Serving Leopold. |
AboutThe PFO emails are posted on this blog. Archives
April 2018