Hello families. I hope everyone had a great spring break, even though it wasn't very spring like for those of us who stayed in Madison. But, as the weather warms up, we can all look forward to the May 11 Timber Wolf Trample!
Timber Wolf Trample Update Registration Forms are coming home Friday. The forms include a section for kids to collect donations from friends and family and earn prizes, register for the race, and a waiver for participation. If you need to download the form, you can find it here in English and Spanish. In the coming weeks, we will have Spirit Week, a Trample pep rally, and other fun activities leading up to the big event. Lunch Buddies Our Leopold counseling staff is looking for some adult volunteers to be lunch buddies for some special students. Lunch Buddies is a program designed to give select students social and emotional support, and provide these kids with more positive role models. Adult volunteers spend lunch and recess with their student buddies once a week. Volunteers can choose any of the three lunch periods (11- 11:40, 11:40- 12:20, 12:20-1) and are assigned a buddy based on recommendations from our school social workers. Of course, parents are also asked first to give an ok. Kids love the chance to show off their school and friends to special adults. For recess, they can choose to go outside, or stay in and read or do a special activity with their buddy. For forty minutes once a week, the amount that students appreciate this extra attention is incredible. Being a lunch buddy is a great way to get more involved in Leopold, meet staff and students, learn about the school day, and grow a positive connection with kids that can really influence what they think of themselves and their school. Here is what one of our adult lunch buddies said about his experience: "I can sum up the Lunch Buddy program in one word: powerful. What started out as him barely making eye-contact with me has transformed into his eyes lighting up every time he sees me coming down the hall, and eager hopes that I’m coming back next week. The Lunch Buddy program provides an easy access point to invest time and words of affirmation into the next generation of leaders, and I am confident the seeds planted today will bare awesome fruit tomorrow. It has become a highlight of my week, and I give it my highest recommendation!" ~Josh Private School Vouchers in the Madison Metropolitan School District The PFO Board and the MMSD School Board are hoping to enlist your help in our advocacy efforts regarding the governor's recent budget proposal. In the budget proposal, the implementation of private school vouchers in Madison, coupled with money targeted toward independent charter schools and NO increase in funding from the state will be financially devastating to our school district. Information is linked. https://www.madison.k12.wi.us/node/10455 We need your help to advocate for 3 things: 1. Remove the voucher and independent charter school expansion from the budget 2. Require accountability 3. Restore funding to public education On the second page of the linked document, there are ways to contact the legislature. In addition to contacting our Madison legislators, please also spread the word to any family and friends you have in other areas of the state. All legislators must hear from their constituents on how negative this budget is for public education. Please share this information with your parent groups. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the Board at [email protected] A Message for Parents of 5th Graders from the Cherokee PTO I'm Co President at Cherokee MS PTO and we are in the process of finding great parents from Thoreau and Leopold that have kids moving to 6th grade. We have openings on the PTO Board and lots of volunteer opportunities (dances, magazine sales, ultra zone nights, etc….). I would love to make personal connections with incoming 6th grade parents that might be interested! We also have an opening for VP! If you are interested, please contact Beth Dohrn at [email protected]. Get Fit In Fitchburg Please see the attached flyer regarding the upcoming Get Fit in Fitchburg event at Leopold Elementary. Thanks everyone. Have a great weekend!
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April 2018